What You'll Learn in This Course

What You'll Learn in This Course

Ever get stumped on what to draw or paint next? Are you fresh out of ideas? Then try this exercise on how to create characters from your subconscious! Using just simple lines and paint blobs with no thought at all, this tutorial allows our mind's eye to "see" for us, and cute little doodle characters inevitably surface. Then we take one or more of THOSE characters and do them on purpose in a new painting!

In this real-time YouTube video, watch me create characters on the spot, and then see the finished painting (at the end) that happened as a result. The video tutorial for that finished piece ("Le Cirque Maritime") will be up next week, with the timelapsed version being on YouTube and the real-time version being here on Art and Soul School. Until then, please feel free to share your characters either below in the comments or at the Art and Soul School group on Facebook! (Or both!) https://www.facebook.com/groups/artandsoulschool/


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